Learning From Career and Labour Market Information
Gatsby Benchmark 2
​​The world of work has terminology and language that is new to many students.
To support your students on their journey to transition to the world of work, we have created 17 Industry Sector Information Sheets.
These Sector Fact Sheets provide independent, impartial and reputable information presented in an engaging format.
They can be used by:
School and college careers staff as they support students to make informed choices
Parents and carers as they undertake a key role to support their son's/daughters as they make education, employment and training career decisions.
The sheet can be bought as a career resource or are included as part of the Let's Do Business programme.
For more information please email supportingyou@careerseekersdirect.co.uk or call 0345 5480080
To request a free Sector Fact Sheet click here. ​​​​