In Secondary Education?
Did you know only 1 in 6 young people in secondary education know what job they would like to do or the career they would like to pursue in the future?
The rest work it out as they go along or 'accidentally' fall into a job.
As with all major decisions in life, it is beneficial to spend time planning and creating a career journey to meet your aspirations, skills and interests. This will not only give you a 'head start but will also enable you to mange challenges along the way.
For young people in secondary education and their parents, we offer the following range of career related services:
1-2-1 personal guidance sessions to explain the options and pathways available and to ensure the 'right' next educational and/or career decisions are reached. This can also include a personalised career profiling report to give 'best fit' career options.
Career management support sessions to give the best chance of transitioning successfully to the next step. e.g. support with CV writing, interview practice sessions, support completing apprenticeship or UCAS application forms.
A range of work experience services to support the career decision journey, develop knowledge of employers and increase skills and confidence for the workplace.
The career services are delivered either via Zoom or in person by our team of professionally qualified and experienced Careers Advisers and Employability coaches. For more information on our services please call 0345 5480080 or email supportingyou@careerseekersdirect.co.uk