Information for Home Stay Families
Are you interested in hosting foreign students who are attending our activity camps and work experience camps in the school holidays.
This information should help you decide whether you want to host.
Our business has been established since 2017. We are based in Warwickshire which means we live and work in an area that we know well and are always available for support and guidance when hosting our students.
We are a Licensed Awarding Body authorised by the Quality in Careers Consortium to assess and accredit schools, colleges and work-based learning organisations for the national Quality in Careers Standard.
Our students mainly come from Europe and their stays are usually for 1 to 3 weeks. They usually have a fair level of English and can communicate at least at a basic level of English.
The students come to Great Britain to get to know the British way of life, as well as improve their career prospects. This involves living with a British home-stay family and being an integrated member into that family.
What do you need to provide?
The home-stay family will do everything possible to make the student feel welcome in their home; this includes providing a reasonable sized breakfast, packed lunch and a cooked evening meal with dessert, plentiful hot water for showers/baths, use of a washing machine and general inclusion into a family life.
Imagine that it is your own child going abroad to stay with people you do not know or have not met and what you would expect from this host family?
We offer a great range of activities for participants. Our group leaders are carefully chosen to engage with the children to help them have a great time and feel at home.
If you do decide to become a home-stay family then our co-ordinator would contact you to arrange a convenient time to visit, with a questionnaire about your property and family.
Other than taking an interest in the child, you will need to ensure the following: -
Clean comfortable bed with linen and a duvet or sheets and blankets, curtains dustbin, a wardrobe or somewhere to hang clothes and a chest of drawers or adequate drawer space.
Clean, tidy, well heated, lit and ventilated room.
The house must be of a good decorate order with adequate smoke alarms, gas certificates and carbon monoxide sensors correctly sited.
The child is not sharing the room with another member of the family or person from another organisation.
In the case of problems, the course organiser may wish to visit the family during the child’s stay at the family’s convenience.
Collect and deliver younger children to the pick-up point on the date of arrival and departure and collect the student after any evening activities at a prearranged point and time.
Have an open ear for any problems they might have.
Give us a call on 0345 5480080 or email supportingyou@careerseekersdirect.co.uk to find out more about this exciting opportunity.