Professional Career Services
Our team deliver a range of age and situation appropriate career and skills services. These are delivered on a 1-2-1 or group basis. All services can be delivered in face to face sessions or online.
Our professional career advisers, coaches and employability coaches support:
Students in secondary education making key decisions about their future.
Personal Career guidance, employability skills and work experience services at key transition points. Read more
Undergraduates and graduates looking for an internship, a year in industry or their first job.
Career coaching, career management and work experience services to ensure they know how to search for jobs and are ready to present the 'best version' of themselves to the world of work. Read more
Job seekers who have been made redundant, are returning to work or are looking for a career change.
Career coaching and career management services. Read more
For further information please email supportingyou@careerseekersdirect.co.uk or call us
on 0345 5480080